...for social change
Ensuring development of poor and marginalized people through creating equal opportunity, lasting livelihood options and justice
LUSTRE has targeted to reduce poverty from the livelihood of northwest part of Bangladesh and working primarily in five strategic areas with the most poor and vulnerable communities.
- Health and family planning
- Livelihood and food security
- Good governance and social justice
- Disaster management
- Art, culture, and heritage

- Reputation at local, National and International sphere
- Community acceptance
- Partnership with Go/NGO level
- Establishing a Thalassaemia Blood Bank
- 135 Thalassaemia patient (women & children) receiving contentious blood support.
- Over 570 sex workers and 1800 clients have been able to adapt safer sex practices
- 23500 number of poor women received IGA training
- Blood group of 32105 people are available in central database
- 261 houses provided to homeless people
- Coverage of Thalassaemia support in the entire district and the adjacent areas
- Expand present activities and introduce future programmes (in line with our strategic plan)
- Promotion and protection of Human rights and social justice as well as designing program on Rights Based Approach
- Programmes for deprived children
- Initiatives for self reliance
- Policy advocacy in local and national level
- Voluntary Counseling & testing (VCT)
- Promotion of safe blood production
- Care and support for HIV infected and affected
- More use of cultural resources/means as a way for motivational and developmental programmes and to set up a cultural section in the organization
- To become a more self sufficient organization and less reliant on donor funding